Monday, 24 March 2014

Scientist of the World

Greatest Old Scientist

Pythagoras - was a Greek Mathematician and philosopher who formulated the Pythagorian theorem.

Hippocrates - was an ancient Greek physician and widely regarded as the father of medicine.

Aristotle -was an ancient Greek scientist and philosopher.  He made valuable contribution to various    branches of Science.  He dissected and studied over 500 animals.

Euclid - was a very famous Mathematician of Greco-Roman origin. he wrote the ELEMENTS, a treatise containing his work on Geometry and other branches of Mathematics. He invented the compass.

Archimedes - was a famous Greek mathematician and inventor has to his credit many invention and discoveries that helped shape modern Science.

Eratosthenes - was a Greek scientist and astronomer , considered to be the first to calculate the Earth's Circumference


Nicolaus Copernicus - was a Polish astronomer who proposed that the sun is the center of the universe , with the Earth and other planets revolving around it.  The Copernican system also states that the Earth rotates on its own axis.
Nicolaus Copernicus

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